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Coyote Drive-In

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If you’re looking for a cool experience with a bit of a nostalgic flare, I would highly recommend you check out the Coyote Drive-In theater located in downtown Fort Worth right off Main Street. The Coyote location in Fort Worth opened in 2013 so it is still relatively and extremely well maintained. I spent most of my life growing up in the metroplex and never had the chance to see a movie at a drive-in, I had to just hear about how my parents used to go to them all the time. It seemed like any “drive-ins” that were even remotely close to this area were either permanently closed down and abandoned or they were exclusively used for swap meets. Finally, a few years ago while I was living in Southern California, I finally got to see a movie at a drive-in theater. It was a really neat experience, but let me tell you….Coyote Drive-In is without a doubt the nicest and well organized drive-in experience that I have been to.

So how it works is you’ll pull up your car to the ticket boot, and let them know the movie you’d like to see. There are three different screens and each one has a double feature so if you want, you have the option to stay and watch two movies for the price of one. Not only that but it’s $8.00 per person for two movies, while a regular theater will cost you around $12.00 or so just for one. After that, you just drive your car up to the screen specific for the movie that you want to watch and park your car and get comfy. The movies are back to back with a brief intermission in between for bathroom breaks or if you need some snacks.

Speaking of snacks, Coyote Drive-In features a complete selection of food and drink at the Coyote Canteen. When I first went, I was very impressed at the wide variety they had. Unlike a normal theater where you have the normal selections like popcorn, candy, hotdogs or pretzels; at Coyote they’ve got pizza, burgers, chicken sandwiches, wings, a huge variety of treats and to top it off they offer quite an extensive selection of cold beers. So, my first stop after I parked was to head over this way and put in some work and test out their food. I was definitely not disappointed and I doubt you will be either.

One piece of advice I’d give you is bring some pillows and blankets so you can enjoy the movies in comfort, especially now that the weather is dropping this time of year and it’s a bit chilly. Make sure that you don’t bring any outside food or drinks inside as they are pretty strict on that rule and if you have one, I like to bring a portable radio for you to tune into the movies audio and not drain your cars battery. Other than that, enjoy the movie and the experience offered by Coyote Drive-In.


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